CLIx Authoring Help

Getting Started as an Author

We suggest that you do some pre-work before you try to create your assessment - it will save you hours of time!


Assessments are organized in catalogs, much like how on your computer, files are organized in folders. The catalogs are indicated by a folder icon and assessments are indicated by a document icon. The current catalog structure is static and you can not create new catalogs. Please contact technical support if you need a new catalog. In addition, you cannot create assessments in the home or root catalog. You must always navigate into a subject catalog to create an assessment.

catalog folder iconCatalogs
assessment document iconAssessments

You can navigate into and out of the catalogs to place your assessment in their correct location. Currently, the folders are organized by Subject -> Sub-subject (optional) -> Unit -> Lesson. For example, in the image below, the breadcrumbs show English -> Basic English -> Unit 1 -> Lesson 5 -> Activity 3.

English breadcrumbs view

To navigate back up the catalog structure, you can use your browser's Back button, or the breadcrumbs in the navigation bar. To return home or to the root catalog, you can click on the CLIx logo in the upper left corner of the screen.

Creating an Assessment

A assessment is a simply a container that holds a set of questions that will be presented to the student. The assessment can contain one question or multiple questions. The questions can be of any available question type and be created in any order. Every assessment needs a descriptive name or title.

To create a new assessment, first navigate to the desired catalog in the UI. Remember, you cannot create assessments in the home or root catalog. You must always navigate into a content catalog to create an assessment.

To create a new assessment in the current catalog, click the New button on the upper-right of the screen.

Create a new assessment page image

Enter a title for your assessment. You can edit this later, but it is what will show up in the list-view screen, so make sure that the title is specific to the content (i.e. Quiz 1 on animal types would be better than My assessment). Note that all instructors will see the same list of assessments.

Click the Next button to create the assessment and start adding questions.

Assessment Options

Every assessment has two options that you can set, N of M and Unlock Previous. Assessment wide options show up below the title field.

Image of the page after creating a new assessment that shows the N of M and unlock previous selectors

The N of M option controls how many questions the students must answer correctly for the given assessment. By default, students are required to answer all questions to complete the assessment. If you set N of M to any number other than all the questions, students will be able to click on the Next and Previous buttons to select which questions they want answer. For example: If the assessment had 4 short answer questions and you wanted the students to answer any 2 of the 4 questions, you would set the N of M option to 2. Students will then be able to use the Previous and Next buttons to read each a the questions before determining which questions they will answer.

Students will see an N of M heading that indicates how many questions they need to answer, and how many they have already completed.

N of M header that indicates how many more questions a student has to answer (i.e. Answer 1 of 2 more)

The Display Previous Questions option allows the author to determine if the Previous button will be available to the students during this assessment. The Display Previous Questions option can be set to never, which means that for non-N of M questions, the students will only see the Next button and will not be able to return to previous questions. When this option is set to always, students can skip around the assessment and answer the questions in any order.

Once the assessment has been created, you can add your questions. For detailed information about the options for each question type, please see this other section about authoring question types.

Assessment Actions

From the list of assessments and catalogs, you will notice several different icons associated with each assessment. Let's explore what we can do with your assessment.

a tagged image of the different assessment actions

  1. The first item is the assessment title. This is how you will identify and locate your assessment and why it's important to give each assessment a meaningful name. The assessment title can be edited and changed from the edit page.

  2. The edit icon is only enabled (a purple color) when the assessment is unpublished. Clicking on it lets you edit the assessment and its questions. When the assessment is published, the edit icon will be disabled / grayed out. It will be unclickable.

  3. The preview icon is only enabled (a purple color) when the assessment is published. Clicking on it lets you preview the assessment and interact with its questions. When the assessment is unpublished, the preview icon will be disabled / grayed out. It will be unclickable.

  4. Deleting an assessment is permanent. You will get an alert confirming that you want to delete the assessment, when you click this button. You can not delete an assessment if it is published. In this case, the delete icon will be disabled / grayed out. It will be unclickable.

    Currently, deleting an assessment does not delete the individual questions; however, currently there is no "search and add existing questions" interface, you cannot find old questions and re-use them. So, deleting an assessment effectively removes the questions from your access.

  5. Published status. Located in the middle of the row in a column labeled Published, these icons indicate the published / unpublished state of the assessment. When the icon appears as a green cloud with a checkmark in it, that means the assessment has already been published, so clicking on the icon will take you to the assessment preview. If the icon is a purple cloud with an up arrow in it, then the assessment is unpublished, and clicking on the icon takes you to the edit assessment page.

    While this icon is used to indicate the published / unpublished state of the assessment, it is also a toggle button you can use to change the published state. If the assessment is currently published, clicking on the icon will convert the assessment to an unpublished state, meaning that you can edit the assessment. If the assessment is currently unpublished, you can publish it by clicking on the icon, which means that you can then preview the assessment / generate an embed code for your students.

    More details about publishing / unpublishing and the process are provided in the publish / unpublish section.

  6. The embed code button only appears when the assessment is published. The embed code button generates an iframe embed code that you can copy and paste and put into your gStudio activity. You can copy this code by clicking the copy icon, or manually via the keyboard shortcut control-c. Once you paste it (control-v) in gStudio, students will then be able to take the assessment in the gStudio activity.

Authoring Question Types

Common / Shared Question Fields and Options

Some of the question fields are shared across all or multiple question types, so we will describe them here. Typically how to specify the "correct answer" and how to populate the feedback fields are what differentiate the different types of questions, and will be described later in this document.

Shared Across All Question Types


On the top-right of each question, you'll see four icons for preview, move, delete, and help:

Question icons: preview, move, and delete



When clicking the preview icon, you will see how the question stem and options would render for the student, though you will not be able to interact with the question. For example, for Movable Words -- Fill in the Blank, the preview will turn the authoring UI:

Fill-in-the-blank authoring form

Into this:

Fill-in-the-blank preview

Clicking the "Close Preview" button returns you to authoring view.



For students, questions will appear in the order that they appear in the assessment authoring page. To change the order of questions, authors need to use this move button. Clicking move changes the question header and shows three options: Move up, Move down, and Close.

Updated move header for changing question order

Clicking the move up arrow will swap the current question with the previous one. Clicking the move down arrow will swap the current question with the next one, and clicking close will keep the question in the same location and return the user to the normal question header.



This permanently deletes the question from the assessment and the system -- there is no way to recover the question. An alert window will appear, confirming that you wish to permanently delete the question.

Alert window for deleting a question from an assessment

Subsequent questions are moved up in terms of sequence order.



This opens up the help page for the specific question type, in a new tab.

The user can manually navigate back to the authoring tab or close the help tab at any time.

Input Fields
Question Name

This field is used to help identify the question. Currently it is not shown anywhere other than when editing the question, but should be populated with a name that will help you easily identify the question (i.e. Forces on a ball rolling down ramp would be better than Question 1). Future iterations of this tool may allow authors to search the question bank, and this name will be helpful in finding the question.

Question title input field


For all the text in a question, we support three languages: English (default), Hindi, and Telugu. Selecting a different language in this menu causes all the language fields for the question to "reset", allowing authors to input translations for each text field.

NOTE: Because all the text is reset when the language setting changes, images and media files will also need to be uploaded for each language.

Question language select menu

Question Text

All question types have a question stem or prompt that is shown to students, for example "What is the color of the sky?". This field supports basic text formatting and image / audio / video upload.

For Movable Words -- Fill in the Blank questions, you need to make sure that you include one (and only one) [ _ ] in the question text, to indicate where the blank should go, otherwise this question will break and the assessment will not render for students. Make sure that no punctuation is next to the [ _ ] (or include a space: [ _ ] . works, but [ _ ]. breaks). For example: The sky is [ _ ] .. We currently do not support more than one blank space.

Fill-in-the-blank question text input field

Text Fields and Media

All text fields that use this editor allow you to upload image / audio / video media:

Rich-text editor activated, around a text input field

This means that for the question text (non-fill-in-the-blank), options (non-fill-in-the-blank), or feedback, you can include media elements.

Three media upload buttons, in the rich-text editor

A modal will appear, allowing you to select from an existing media asset of the same type, or uploading a new one.

New image modal. Top-half lets you select from existing content, bottom half lets you upload a new image.

When uploading images, audio, or video, you should also include all of the metadata fields, like alt-text, descriptions, transcript files, and caption files, so the media is accessible for all your students.

Upload image modal, metadata fields.

Make sure that you do not change the language setting at the upload modal -- by default, it should come up as the same language the question language dropdown is set to. Changing that value will mean the data you provide will not save to the right spot in the database, and it will not appear correctly for students.

Upload image modal, language select dropdown.

Shared Options for Multiple Choice & Reflection Questions

There are a set of three option checkboxes for the multiple choice and reflection questions.

Three checkboxes for multiple choice type questions

Maintain Choice Order

When this box is checked, all students see the choice order in the order that they are authored. When this box is unchecked, each student will see the choices in a randomly shuffled order.

Multiple Answer

This checkbox is a shortcut for changing the question type between Multiple Choice and Multiple Choice -- Multiple Select (or Multiple Choice -- Reflection and Multiple Choice -- Multiple Select & Reflection). The single select question shows radio buttons next to each choice, and students can only select one of the given choices.

Single select choices will render as radio buttons

Multiple select questions show check boxes next to each choice, and students can select one or more of the given choices.

Multiple select options will render as checkboxes


This checkbox is a shortcut for changing the question type between Multiple Choice and Multiple Choice -- Reflection (or Multiple Choice -- Multiple Select and Multiple Choice -- Multiple Select & Reflection). The non-reflection questions need to have a specific right-answer specified while authoring, and provide both correct feedback and incorrect feedback (for each incorrect choice). All the reflection questions accept any response as a valid / correct response, and only provide a generic feedback on submission.

Audio Record


You will use this question when you want students to record their voices and submit a recording. Students can record and playback the audio as many times as they wish before submitting the final recording to the server. There is no way to "recover" previously recorded audio -- each recording over-writes previous recordings.

Author View

Audio record tool authoring view

Student View

Audio record tool preview

Other Authored Inputs

You can set the time-limit for the audio recording, to adjust to the expected length of audio. The default (and maximum allowable) is 240 seconds (4 minutes), and can be as low as 1 second (though this is unrealistic and will not capture any audio).

Audio record tool, input field for setting the maximum audio recording time

Indicating Correctness

Audio Record questions are always "correct", as long as the student submits an audio recording, so there is no need to indicate a specific "correct" answer.

Providing Feedback

You can provide a feedback string that the student sees after submitting their audio recording.

Audio record tool, input field for submission feedback

Drag and Drop


Drag and drop allows authors to define a background image, draggable answers, and drop zones. The idea is for students to drag the draggable answers and place them in the correct locations on top of the background image.

Author View

Drag and drop authoring view

We also provide a video guide for authoring drag and drop questions below.


Here I'm going to show you how we can create drag-and-drop assessments, which is one of the more complicated assessments.

First thing you'll see when you sign into the authoring tool is a very simple navigation structure.

And you'll navaigate to the folder that matches the subject you're teaching.

I'm just going to use the English folder -- you may not be teaching English, so you'll have to find your own folder.

This is just our example.

The first thing you'll do is create an assessment using this "new" button in the top right.

You'll want to give your assessment a very specific name so you can find it later.

We'll say "Drag and drop example assessment for help video".

Then you click the "Next" button.

Once the assessment exists you can then add questions to it.

Here we'll do "cycle of life drag and drop question".

And from the drop down list we'll pick "Drag and Drop".

Then save this question to the assessment.

You'll see this is a fairly complicated screen.

There are three sections.

The first is "Prompt" -- the text prompt the students will see.

This section is how we manage the bakcground image and different zones, where images can be placed.

And then every image you can drag is considered a draggable answer.

So we'll go through how that works.

Here we'll say "Drag each image of a frog's life stage onto the cycle of life".

So this is the text prompt that students will see.

And then here we add a background image.

We'll upload it from our computer.

And make sure to give it a description and alt tag.

Five stage cycle of life.

And then for citation / copyright / license for all of the images, you'll have to go by the guidance given to you by CLIx.

I'm just filling these fields in to show that you should fill them in.

And then the image will show up here.

What you can do is add different zones into the image where students can drag the draggable images.

There are snap zones and drop zones.

Snap zones are if you want the dropped images to automatically snap to the center of the zone.

In drop zones, the images will not snap to the center of the zones.

We'll just add some snap zones.

Once you create it you can drag it and resize the zone.

You'll want to make sure it covers whatever you think the answer is.

We'll add a couple of those -- one for each of the circles in the cycle of life.

Ideally you want to try and not make the zones overlap at all, otherwise the tool will not know which zone an image belongs to if it is dropped in the overlapping region.

So we have three, and we need two more.

And the last one.

We'll resize this one to also make it cover the whole circle.

Once you have these five zones you can start uploading the individual draggable images.

So I have them here.

This is an adolescent frog.

And then we'll upload them all, and I'll show you how you can create the different matches from the draggable to the answer.

Last two.

And then we'll get one more.

And you'll see that each one of these draggable answers has a drop-down at the top.

That's how you match the image to where it's supposed to go on the target image.

So the first one is the eggs, and then it should be the tadpole, the little froglet, and then finally the adult frog.

So you'll see they are in order of A, B, C, D, E, which is what the expected order should be.

We'll give the students some good feedback, depending on how they answer this.

Once you have everythign set, you can preview the question.

You won't be able to check whether it's right or wrong.

But this is what students will see.

They won't be able to see the zone outlines.

You can disable or enable that.

They will be able to drag images onto the background images, and they can check to see how this corresponds to the correct answer.

Notice how the images are snapping to the middle.

And that's it for authoring a drag-and-drop question.

Student View

Drag and drop preview

Other Authored Inputs

Target Image

The target image is the background upon which the zones and draggables will be placed. You must have one for this question type, and the dimensions must be <= 920x300px -- and the tool will preserve these, i.e. the image will not be scaled or resized when shown to students. So make sure to upload the image in the final resolution that you want students to see it.

Drag and drop, add new target image

Drag and drop, replace existing target image

Draggable Answers

These are the images that students will drag and drop onto the target image.

Drag and drop, draggable answers area


Zones are the regions on the target image that will accept the draggables. You should make sure that they do not overlap, otherwise the server will not be able to guarantee a correct evaluation of the response.

There are two types of zones, snap and drop. For snap zones, the draggable images will automatically snap to the center of each zone when placed inside the zone. For drop zones, the image will stay where it is placed, within the zone.

Drag and drop, two buttons that create two different types of zones

For each type of zone, you can create them by region (drawing freehand) or by uploading an image (the zone will be initially sized to match the image size). For both options, you can resize the zone after it is created, and move it around on the target image.

Drag and drop, drop-down menu to create a snap zone by region or image

For accessibility, you should add a label to each zone that can be read out loud by a screenreader. To do this, click on the zone, and a tooltip should appear with a label field. Once you've typed into the label field, make sure you tab out to save your changes. Clicking elsewhere without tabbing out of the field causes the tooltip to disappear and not save your label text.

Drag and drop, the label input field appears in a tooltip when you click on a zone

Do delete a zone, click on it, and then the trash can icon on the right of the tooltip.

Drag and drop, the delete zone button appears in a tooltip when you click on a zone


Drag and drop, zone visibility checkbox

A check box is provided to either show or hide the zones for the student. Hiding the zones can make the question more challenging.

Drag and drop, with zones visible

Drag and drop, with zones hidden

Indicating Correctness

To indicate correctness, you need to select the matching zone for each droppable. Each zone has a label, like Zone A -- these appear in the dropdown list in each draggable. Picking the zone label indicates that the draggable needs to be dropped in that zone to be correct. Multiple draggables can be assigned to the same zone, and all the draggables must be in their correct zone for the entire answer to be correct. For draggables that are not part of the correctness calculation, you can leave the dropdown as Select Answer.

Drag and drop, zone dropdown for draggable answers

Providing Feedback

The bottom of the authoring view gives you input for the correct feedback and the incorrect feedback. The incorrect feedback will be shown to the student for every incorrect combination submitted as a response.

Drag and drop feedback fields

File Upload


This question type is meant to be used mostly with other tools. For example, your students might create a model in Turtle Blocks, which they can submit as their solution to a File Upload question.

Author View

File upload authoring view

Student View

File upload preview

Other Authored Inputs


Indicating Correctness

File Upload questions are always "correct", as long as the student submits a file, so there is no need to indicate a specific "correct" answer.

Providing Feedback

You can provide a feedback string that the student sees after submitting their file.

Image Sequence


These questions involve the student placing a set of images into the correct order, typically so the story told by the images makes logical sense. The images are dragged down from a central "cloud" onto an answer bar, and they will snap together.

Author View

Image sequence authoring view

Student View

Image sequence preview

Other Authored Inputs

You will need to make sure your images are no more than 100px wide, before uploading them. The tool will not scale your images for you. Each image needs to be added, and then collectively they need to be assigned the "correct answer" order.

Image sequence, image option order dropdown

Note that adding a new option automatically adds the option to the question, but in order to save the image or sequence number, you need to click the Save Changes button.

Image sequence, save changes button for image options

You can also delete the image with the X icon on the upper-right.

Image sequence, delete option button

Indicating Correctness

Once the numbers are in the correct order, you need to click the Save Option Changes button. This saves the correct answer on the server.

Image sequence, save changes button for image options

Providing Feedback

There are two fields for feedback, one for the correct answer, and another for all incorrect responses.

Image sequence, feedback fields

Movable Word -- Fill in the Blank


In this question type, students are presented with a word cloud and a sentence with a blank space in it (currently we only support one blank space). Students must drag the correct word from the cloud down into the space. They can drag the current word back and replace it with another one, as often as they want, before submitting.

Author View

Fill-in-the-blank authoring view

Student View

Fill-in-the-blank preview

Other Authored Inputs

Each word or phrase that you want to appear in the word cloud must be entered as a separate option.

Fill-in-the-blank option bar

Each option has several controls inside. The radio button on the left indicates the correct option (more in the next section), and the dropdown menu on the right lets you select a word type for this option.

Fill-in-the-blank option word type selector

Each word type shows up as a different color when the question is rendered for the student.

Fill-in-the-blank word cloud

You can also delete the option with the X icon on the right.

Fill-in-the-blank delete option icon

Indicating Correctness

To indicate which of the word choices is the correct one, you need to select the radio button in that option. Doing so will turn it solid green.

Fill-in-the-blank green, filled radio button that indicates the correct option

Providing Feedback

At the bottom of the question, there are two feedback fields. One is for the correct answer, and the other is provided for all incorrect responses.

Fill-in-the-blank feedback fields

Movable Word -- Sandbox


This version of Movable Word is meant for the students to practice reading the words out loud. As in other versions, the words appear in a word cloud. Students can drag the words down to an answer region, where they will snap together. A recording tool is present to record the students speaking the sentence they formed; each recording overwrites previous recordings. To complete the question, students submit one of their audio recordings.

Author View

Movable words sandbox, authoring view

Student View

Movable words sandbox, preview

Other Authored Inputs

Each word or phrase that you want to appear in the word cloud must be entered as a separate option.

Movable words sandbox, option bar

Each option has several controls inside. The dropdown menu on the right lets you select a word type for this option.

Movable words sandbox, option word type selector

Each word type shows up as a different color when the question is rendered for the student.

Movable words sandbox, word cloud

You can also delete the option with the X icon on the right.

Movable words sandbox, delete option button

You can set the time-limit for the audio recording, to adjust to the expected length of audio. The default (and maximum allowable) is 240 seconds (4 minutes), and can be as low as 1 second (though this is unrealistic and will not capture any audio).

Movable words sandbox, input field for setting the audio record time limit

Indicating Correctness

All audio submissions are considered correct, so no special indicator is required.

Providing Feedback

A single feedback input allows authors to show students a message after submitting their audio recording.

Movable words sandbox, feedback field

Movable Word -- Sentence


This version of Movable Word is an assessment tool for joining words or symbols, and student responses will be evaluated for correctness. As in other versions, the words appear in a word cloud. Students can drag the words down to an answer region, where they will snap together. Students can unsnap their current answer at any word in the chain, and start over. When they feel like they have constructed the entire word chain correctly, they can submit it.

Author View

Movable words sentence authoring view

Student View

Movable words sentence preview

Other Authored Inputs

Each word or phrase that you want to appear in the word cloud must be entered as a separate option.

Movable words sentence, option bar

Each option has several controls inside. On the left is a dropdown menu with a set of numbers, used to indicate correctness (see next section). The dropdown menu on the right lets you select a word type for this option.

Movable words sentence, option word type selector

Each word type shows up as a different color when the question is rendered for the student.

Movable words sentence, word cloud

You can also delete the option with the X icon on the right.

Movable words sentence, delete word option button

Indicating Correctness

Correctness is evaluated as getting the words in the right order -- the order specified by the numbers on the left of each option box. Currently, all options must have a number associated with them, i.e. there can be no unused word choices. Leaving an option box at N/A means the authoring tool will automatically insert that option into the correct sequence.

Note that adding a new option automatically adds the option to the question, but in order to save the text, word type, or sequence number, you need to click the Save Changes button.

Movable words sentence, button for saving option changes

Providing Feedback

Two feedback fields at the bottom of the question allow you to enter a correct feedback response, or an incorrect feedback response (shown for all incorrect word combinations).

Movable words sentence, feedback input fields

Multiple Choice -- Multiple Select


This question type presents a set of choices to the student, and they have to select one or more as the correct answer.

Author View

Authoring view of a multiple-select, multiple-choice question

Student View

Preview of a multiple-select, multiple-choice question

Other Authored Inputs

Each choice will appear as a separate option bar.

Multiple-select, multiple-choice question option bar

Each option has a checkbox on the left, used to indicate correctness (see next section). You can also delete the option with the X icon on the right.

Multiple-select, multiple-choice question delete option icon

Indicating Correctness

To indicate which set of choices is correct, you need to check the boxes on the left of each choice:

Multiple-select, multiple-choice question's correct options render with a green, checked box on the left

Students must select all of the same boxes that you check. A subset of the correct choices will be evaluated as incorrect, i.e. the checkboxes indicate AND, not OR (both a AND c are required to be correct, not either a OR c are correct).

Providing Feedback

Two feedback fields are provided for you, one for the correct answer feedback, and the other for all incorrect responses.

Multiple-select, multiple-choice question feedback input fields

Multiple Choice


This question type presents a set of choices to the student, and they have to select one, and only one, as the correct answer.

Author View

Single-select, multiple-choice question authoring view

Student View

Single-select, multiple-choice question preview

Other Authored Inputs

Each choice will appear as a separate option bar.

Single-select, multiple-choice question option view

Each option has a radio button on the left, used to indicate correctness (see next section). You can also delete the option with the X icon on the right.

Single-select, multiple-choice question delete option icon

Indicating Correctness

To indicate which set of choices is correct, you need to check the radio button on the left of the correct choice:

Single-select, multiple-choice question shows the correct option with a green, filled-in radio button

Providing Feedback

For these questions, each choice has its own feedback field.

Single-select, multiple-choice question feedback fields within each option bar

You can type in individual, per-choice feedback. The feedback associated with the submitted response will be returned and displayed to the student. This means that you can provide choice-specific incorrect feedback, which is unique to this question type.

Multiple Choice -- Multiple Select & Reflection


This question type presents a set of choices to the student, and they have to select one or more and submit them with no evaluation of correctness. This is typically used for a survey-type situation, i.e. What did you learn in this lesson?.

Author View

Multiple-select, multiple-choice reflection question authoring view

Student View

Multiple-select, multiple-choice reflection question preview

Other Authored Inputs

Each choice will appear as a separate option bar.

Multiple-select, multiple-choice reflection question option bar

You can also delete the option with the X icon on the right.

Multiple-select, multiple-choice reflection question delete option icon

Indicating Correctness

Since all submissions are acceptable, there is no way to indicate or evaluate correctness.

Providing Feedback

A single feedback field is at the bottom of the question, which is shown to the student upon submission of their response.

Multiple-select, multiple-choice reflection question feedback field

Multiple Choice -- Reflection


This question type presents a set of choices to the student, and they have to select one and submit it with no evaluation of correctness. This is typically used for a survey-type situation, i.e. How easily did you understand this lesson?.

Author View

Single-select, multiple-choice reflection question authoring view

Student View

Single-select, multiple-choice reflection question preview

Other Authored Inputs

Each choice will appear as a separate option bar.

Single-select, multiple-choice reflection question option bar

You can also delete the option with the X icon on the right.

Single-select, multiple-choice reflection question delete option icon

Indicating Correctness

Since all submissions are acceptable, there is no way to indicate or evaluate correctness.

Providing Feedback

A single feedback field is at the bottom of the question, which is shown to the student upon submission of their response.

Single-select, multiple-choice reflection question feedback input field

Short Answer


This question type shows a text entry box to the student and accepts text input.

Author View

Short answer text response, authoring view

Student View

Short answer text response, preview

Other Authored Inputs

You can select the size of the displayed text box (small, medium, or large). While the assessment player does not enforce any text limitations, the box size is supposed to indicate to the student how much to type. For example, a small box will accept a couple of words, while a large box will accept a paragraph. So depending on what you are asking the students to type out, you can select an appropriately sized text entry box.

Short answer text response, response box selector

Indicating Correctness

All text entries are accepted, so there is no way to indicate correctness.

Providing Feedback

A single feedback field is provided at the bottom of the question. This is shown to the student upon submission of their response.

Short answer text response, feedback input field

Publishing Workflow


What Published Means

A published assessment means...

  • It is ready for use by your students.
  • You can generate an iframe code to put into your gstudio activities, and students can interact with the questions you created.
  • You cannot edit the assessment.
  • You can preview the assessment.


To preview a published assessment, you can click on the assessment row's preview icon.

Published assessment row, in the list view

Note how there is a navigation bar at the top of the preview, allowing you to return to the list view:

Assessment preview with navigation bar

Note that currently, you can only preview the English version of an assessment. If you have authored the assessment questions in another language, it will come up in gstudio, but not in the authoring preview. If you did not include English text, then the question text may appear blank, but other fields (like choices) may appear in the other language. This is because the preview tries to pull English text for all fields first, and question text always has a default empty English value.

Multiple choice question with Hindi choices, but no question text

From the Edit Assessment Page

In addition to publishing from the assessment list page, you can also publish an assessment from the edit assessment page, using the green Publish button in the upper-right.

Green publish button in upper-right of screen

From the List View Page

In addition to publishing from the edit assessment page, you can publish an assessment directly from the assessment list page by clicking on the "unpublished" icon in the middle of the row.

The unpublished icon in the middle of the assessment row toggles the published state


What Unpublished Means

An unpublished assessment means...

  • You cannot preview the assessment.
  • You can edit the assessment and its questions.
  • Any old iframe embed codes that you put into a gstudio activity are NO LONGER VALID, and students WILL NOT be able to take the old assessments. You must re-publish the assessment and generate / update the iframe codes, if you want students to be able to take the new assessment.

From the List View Page

From the assessment list page, you can unpublish an assessment by clicking on the "published" icon in the middle of the row.

The published icon in the middle of the assessment row will toggle the state to unpublished